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Editor, Stephen Williams The 44th Annual meeting of the Arizona-
Nevada Academy of Science will be held at
The University of Arizona, Tucson, Arizona,
14-15 April 2000. Friday Evening, April 14, Speaker
Tucson, AZ 85719 520.327.7341
Tucson, AZ 85719 520.792.4100
Tucson, AZ 85711 520.795.0330
ACKNOWLEDGMENT OF DONATIONS TO THE ACADEMYSince the last newsletter, the following people have donated to the Geothe fund and the Academy expresses its deepest gratitude.A total of $120 from:
APPLICATION FOR RESEARCH GRANTS-IN-AIDThe Arizona-Nevada Academy of Science will award Grants-in-Aid in amounts up to $250 to students who are enrolled in a graduate program at one of the universities in Nevada or Arizona and who are members of the Academy. The grant funds may be used for any activity directly associated with an ongoing research project (equipment purchase, supplies, travel to field site, etc.) The funds may not be used for trave1 to scientific meetings, publication costs or any other activity not directly associated with the research.Graduate students receiving grants must agree to submit a report, not to exceed 8 pages in length, to the Arizona-Nevada Academy of Science which will be considered for publication in the Journal. If the report is published, the Academy will waive page charges. Grants are reviewed two times a year but are only awarded on a one time basis per application. Deadline for submission is March 15. Send five copies of applications accompanied by five copies of a letter of support to the Grants-in-Aid Committee, Arizona-Nevada Academy of Science in care of:
Permanent Secretary Dept. of Physics and Astronomy Northern Arizona University PO Box 6010 Flagstaff, AZ 86011-6010 520.523.2680, FAX 520.523.1371 email: |
NEW DIRECTOR OF THE ARIZONA-NEVADA JUNIOR ACADEMY OF SCIENCELynnette Marie Hoff has been appointed by the board of governors of ANAS as the new Director of the Junior Academy. Ms. Hoff currently teaches chemistry, physics, geology and biology at Corona del Sol High School, Tempe, Arizona and is a currently a member of the National Science Teachers Association, the Arizona Science Teachers Association, the National Education Association and the Arizona Educational Association. She has a AA degree from Yavapai College, a B.S. in Biology from NAU and is working on a M.A. in Secondary Education from ASU. You may reach Ms. Hoff at:
phone: 520.621.7953 fax: 520.621.2672 |
BEST STUDENT PAPERS AND POSTERS 1999 ANNUAL MEETINGAll the winners received checks for $50.Best Student Papers
"Tadpole Shrimp Triops longicaudatus May Use the Hindgut as an Accessory Respiratory Structure." Robert E. Lomas III, Physical Science, Northern Arizona University "Investigating the Formation of Chromium (III)-DNA Adducts: a Potential Pathway in Chromium-Induced Cancer." Brad H. McRae, Biology, Northern Arizona University "Growing up in Mom's Shadow: Seed Dispersal Pattern Affects Plant Vigor and Indirectly Affects Arthropod Distribution."
GRADUATE GRANTS-IN-AID AWARDSThe following graduate students were awarded $250 research grants-in-aid:
Jeffrey Rousch ASU, Department of Botany |
Dixie Z. Damrel ARIZONA SCIENCE TEACHERS ASSOCIATION TEACHERS OF THE YEARThe 1999 winners were announced at the ASTA Convention October 30ih during the Awards Luncheon at the Arizona Science Center. The winners are:
Debra L. Bjorna, Desert Sky Middle School, Glendale Mary Brown, Christensen Elementary School, Flagstaff |
REQUEST FOR PAPERS FOR THE JOURNALThe Journal of the Arizona-Nevada Academy of Science requests manuscripts for publication of each manuscript will be read and reviewed by at least two referees. To facilitate review, the author should send the names, addresses and telephone numbers of five people (at other institutions) who are well-qualified to review the manuscript. Contributors need not be members of the Arizona-Nevada Academy of Science. Authors who are not members of the Academy will be charged a publication fee of $30 per page, members $15 per page for the first eight pages. Students who are members of the Academy may apply for waiver pf the page charges if they do not have grant funds. Manuscripts that will be considered for publication include those dealing with the Southwest and those done by Academy members. We also welcome names of the membership who would be willing to serve as reviewers for his/her specialty (ies). Please send manuscripts to:
Department of Geography SCOB Building, Room 330 Arizona State University Tempe, Arizona 85287-0104 phone: 480. 965.6436 Fax: 480.965.8313 Email: |
NECROLOGY - STANLEY ALCORNDr. Stanley M. Alcorn who was born June 18, 1926 in Modesto, California, passed away on April 18, 1999. He studied agriculture at Modesto Junior College and plant pathology at the University of California Berkeley, where he received his B.S. and Ph.D. Dr. Alcorn went on to teach at the University of Arizona. He was President of various scientific societies including Guayule Society and Sigma XI and belonged to the American Association for the Advancement of Science. Dr. Alcorn was an Emeritus member of the ANAS.NECKROLOGY - TROY PEWEDr. Troy L. Pewe, a world-renowned Arizona State University geologist whose pioneering work on expanding soil, giant earth cracks and the consequences of groundwater pumping has helped shaped Valley development, died on October 21, 1999, at the age of 81. Dr. Pewe received his Ph.D. in Geology from Stanford University in 1952 and moved to Alaska where he was an associate professor of Geology at the University of Alaska and served with the U.S. Geological Survey. Dr. Pewe came to ASU in 1965. He was head of the ASU Geology Department until 1976 and worked as a Professor Emeritus after his retirement in 1988. In addition to his wife and daughter, Dr. Pewe is survived by two sons and five grandchildren. |
NECROLOGY - ROBERT HARRISDr. Robert M. Harris, born December 5, 1921 in Atlantic City, New Jersey, passed away January 12, 2000 after a courageous battle with lung cancer. Dr. Harris attended Philadelphia College of Pharmacy and Science and obtained a Ph.D. from UCLA. Dr. Harris was Professor Emeritus of the University of Arizona, recipient of the prestigious Salgo-Noren Foundation Teaching Excellence Award, a member of the U of A Hall of Fame and received the Outstanding Service Award from the Arizona-Nevada Academy of Science. Dr. Harris was author of numberous textbooks in Genetics and Botany and was a long time Editor of the Journal of the Arizona - Nevada Academy of Science. Dr. Harris is survived by his wife, five children, 11 grandchildren and seven great-grandchildren. |
Last Modified 2/1/00 by OKD