FEBRUARY, 2003 Department of Geosciences, University of Arizona, Tucson, Arizona 85721-0077 anas@geo.arizona.edu | ||||||||||||||||||
ANAS HOME Newsletter Editor Stephen Williams Glendale Comm. College Web Master Owen Davis U of Az |
ANAS President Aregai Tecle, and his organizing
committee have planned the 2003 meeting in Flagstaff.
Our grateful thanks to Aregai!
ANNUAL MEETING APRIL 11-12The 47th Annual meeting of the Arizona-Nevada Academy of Science will be held at Northern Arizona University, Flagstaff, Arizona on April 11-12, 2003. Friday evening's activity will be a Board Meeting from 6:00 - 8:00 pm, but there will be no reception or registration Friday evening. Registration will start a 7:30 am on Saturday, April 12, at the Southwest Forest Science Complex in both the NAU School of Forestry and the USDA Forest Service Building.
A campus map is available on line at:
For additional information about NAU, please feel free to contact Aregai Tecle at aregai.tecle@nau.edu or (928) 523-6642, dept. -3031. Saturday Luncheon Speaker
The Saturday luncheon speaker will be: |
Selected references:Covington, W. W. 2000. Helping western forests heal. Nature 408: 135-136 Covington, W. W., Fulé, P. Z., Moore, M. M., Hart, S. C., Kolb, T. E., Mast, J. N., Sackett, S. S. and Wagner, M. R. 1997. Restoring ecosystem health in ponderosa pine forests of the Southwest. Journal of Forestry 95: 23-29. |
SATURDAY LUNCHEON SPEAKERDr. William Wallace CovingtonDr. Covington is the Executive Director of the Ecological Restoration Institute and a Regents' Professor in the School of Forestry at Northern Arizona University. He has been at the NAU since 1975. He has a Ph.D. in Forest Ecology from Yale University, a Master of Science in Ecology from New Mexico University, and B.A. in Biology/Chemistry from the University of North Texas. Professor Covington is well known both at the national and international level in the areas of integrated ecosystem science and management and forest fire protection. At the moment, Professor Covington is serving as Chair of the Governor's Forest Health/Fire Plan Advisory Committee, and as member of the National Commission on Science for Sustainable Forestry. Professor Covington also served as chair of the Research Working Group and co-chair of the Science and Policy Working Group of the Society for Ecological Restoration. In addition, Dr. Covington has given many invited testimonies to Congressional Committees since 1994 and was a winner of the Governor's Pride in Arizona Award for Environmental Leadership in 1999. Professor Covington will speak on Wildfire Hazards in U.S. Forest Systems and What Can be Done to Prevent Them. The talk will be between 12:15 and 1:15p.m. |
Beulah Boulevard is west of the University, across Milton Avenue (by underpass!) from the Southwest Forest Science Complex, which is on Pine Knoll Drive. |
Comfort Inn
Hampton Inn & Suites |
For an online application form click here html pdf |
APPLICATION FOR GRADUATE STUDENT RESEARCH GRANTS-IN-AIDThe Arizona-Nevada Academy of Science will award Grants-in-Aid in amounts up to $250 to students who are enrolled in a graduate program at one of the universities in Nevada or Arizona and who are members of the Academy. The grant funds may be used for any activity directly associated with an ongoing research project (equipment purchase, supplies, travel to field site, etc.) The funds may not be used for travel to scientific meetings, publication costs or any other activity not directly associated with the research. Graduate students receiving grants must submit a report up to eight pages in length to the Arizona-Nevada Academy of Science after the completion of the research or within one year after receipt of the grant. The paper will be considered for publication in the Journal. If the report is published in JANAS, the Academy will waive page charges. Grants are reviewed two times a year but are only awarded on a one-time basis per application. Deadlines for submission are November 15 and March 15. Send five copies of application accompanied by five copies of a letter of support to the Grants-in-Aid Committee, Arizona-Nevada Academy of Science in care of: Grants-in-Aid Committee, ANASAregai Tecle School of Forestry, Bldg 082, Box 15018 NAU, Flagstaff, AZ 86001-5018 (928) 523-6642 dpt. -3031 Aregai.Tecle@nau.edu |
The bylaws are changed by vote of the members present at the annual meeting. Click [here] to read the bylaws. |
PROPOSED CHANGES IN THE ANAS BY-LAWS1. Junior Arizona-Nevada Academy Of Science Academy : THE ISSUE: It is difficult to find a volunteer to serve as Director of the Junior Academy, and the Junior Academy has represented only a few Arizona and Nevada high school students. There are more effective ways to support science education in Arizona and Nevada than to support the Junior Academy. PROPOSAL: Remove formal reference to the Junior Arizona-Nevada Academy of Science from the ANAS By-Laws PERTINENT BY-LAWS (a yes vote shall remove the bracketed words from the by-laws) 5.30 -- An Editor of the Journal, [Director of the Junior Academy,] Historian, Editor of the Newsletter and an Editor of the Proceedings shall be appointed by the Board of Governors and shall hold office for three years, or until replaced by their successors 5.31 -- The Editor, [Director of the Junior Academy,] Historian, Editor of the Newsletter and an Editor of the Proceedings will be nonvoting members of the Board of Governors. [6.80 -- DIRECTOR OF THE JUNIOR ACADEMY] [6.81 -- The Director of the Junior Academy shall manage the affairs of the Junior Academy for the Board of Governors arranging the programs, and maintaining the records pertaining to the Junior Academy.] [14.30 -- The Junior Academy of Science shall function as a section of the Academy under its own By-laws within the framework of the Constitution and By-laws of the Academy. The activities of the Junior Academy shall be supervised by the Director of the Junior Academy.]
2. Voting Privileges For Appointed Officers. THE ISSUE: The current structure of the ANAS Board of Governors makes achieving a quorum difficult during routine Board meetings. The Regional Directors (voting members) usually do not attend, but the appointed officers are usually present. However, the appointed officers (The Editor of The Journal, The Editor of the Newsletter, The Editor of the Proceedings, and the Permanent Secretary) do not have voting privileges. In addition to reducing the number of Regional Directors (see item 3 below), we propose to give voting privileges to the appointed officers in order to conduct the routine business of the Academy. PROPOSAL: amend the By-Laws to give voting privileges to the appointed officers. PERTINENT BY-LAWS (a yes vote shall remove the bracketed words from, and add the underlined words to the by-laws) 5.10 -- The officers of the Academy who also constitute the Board of Governors, shall be the President, President-elect, Past President, Corresponding Secretary, Membership Secretary, Treasurer, [eight] four Regional Directors, The Editor of The Journal, The Editor of the Newsletter, The Editor of the Proceedings, and the Permanent Secretary. (note that Article 5.10 is further amended, below under item 3, to include four rather than eight Regional Directors.) [5.31 -- The Editor, Director of the Junior Academy, Historian, Editor of the Newsletter and an Editor of the Proceedings will be nonvoting members of the Board of Governors.]
3. The Number Of Regional Directors THE ISSUE: Few of the regional directors attend the board meetings, so that the board meetings often do not have a quorum. Only a few directors routinely submit reports. Finding volunteers to fill the position of regional director is difficult. PROPOSAL: Reduce the number of Regional Directors to one per region. PERTINENT BY-LAWS (a yes vote shall remove the bracketed words from, and add the underlined words to the by-laws) 5.10 -- The officers of the Academy who also constitute the Board of Governors, shall be the President, President-elect, Past President, Corresponding Secretary, Membership Secretary, Treasurer, [eight] four Regional Directors, The Editor of The Journal, The Editor of the Newsletter, The Editor of the Proceedings, and the Permanent Secretary. (Note that article 5.10 is further amended above under item 2, above.) 5.11 – [Two directors] One director shall be chosen from each of the four geographical regions of Southern Arizona, Central Arizona, Northern Arizona and Nevada. 5.20 – [The President-elect, Corresponding Secretary, Treasurer, Membership Secretary and four Directors shall be elected by ballot at each Annual Meeting and, except for the Directors, shall hold office for one year, or until their successors are elected. The Directors shall hold office for two years, or until a successor is elected.] 5.20 – The President-elect, Corresponding Secretary, Treasurer, Membership Secretary shall hold office for one year and the four Directors shall hold office for two years. They shall be elected by ballot at the Annual Meetings and serve until a successor is elected.
4. Defining “Quorum” THE ISSUE: Frequently, one person will occupy two positions in the Academy, for example Recording Secretary and Proceedings Editor. This amendment specifies that in situations where each position may have a vote, that the person occupying the two positions has only one vote in Board Meetings. PROPOSAL: specify one vote per person on the board. PERTINENT BY-LAWS (a yes vote shall add the underlined words to the by-laws) 8.40 -- A majority of the Board of Governors shall constitute a quorum, but any officer holding more than one office shall have only one vote.
5. Add "Family" And "Student" Membership Categories To The By-Laws. THE ISSUE: The By-Laws do not currently include certain membership categories for which the Academy collects dues. PROPOSAL: amend the by-laws to include these two membership classes. Renumbering the by-laws is needed to create room for the two categories. PERTINENT BY-LAWS (a yes vote shall remove the bracketed words from, and add the underlined words to the by-laws) 3.11 -- The amount of the annual dues for [a regular member] all membership categories shall be established by the Board of Governors. [3.80] 3.12 -- The Board of Governors shall have the right to expel or suspend a member after a hearing at which that member shall have the right to be present in person. The member in question shall be notified by registered mail in two months prior to the hearing. [3.81] 3.13 -- A majority vote of all members of the Board of Governors shall be necessary to expel or suspend a member, and an appeal from the decision may be made to the members of the Academy at the following Annual Business Meeting. [3.82] 3.14 -- A majority vote of the members present at an appeals meeting shall be required to reverse the decision of the Board of Governors. 3.80 Family Members -- Two persons living at the same address may receive ANAS mailings (one copy) such as the Newsletter and Journal, and each may have voting and other privileges of membership. 3.90 Student Members -- Students 18 years of age or older who are regularly enrolled at a college or university may have voting and other privileges of membership.
6. Committees THE ISSUE: Several of the standing committees do not meet. Their function is assumed by appropriate officers. PROPOSAL: amend the by-laws to eliminate non-functioning committees. Renumber the committees appropriately. PERTINENT BY-LAWS (a yes vote shall remove the bracketed words from, and add the underlined words to the by-laws article 12.11, reducing the number of committees from 16 to 7) 1. Fellows Committee
7. Outstanding Service Award THE ISSUE: the by-laws do not include one of ANAS's awards, which involves the expenditure of ANAS funds. An ad-hoc committee annually awards an "Outstanding Service Award" at the annual meeting. This includes a modest expenditure of ANAS funds. PROPOSAL: amend the by-laws to recognize this valuable contribution. PERTINENT BY-LAWS (a yes vote add the underlined words to the by-laws, the number of the committee will depend on passage of item 6, above) 12.11 -- These standing committees are as follows; PERTINENT BY-LAWS (a yes vote will add the following highlighted line to Article 12.11 of the By-Laws – committee “8” if item 6 above passes) 8. Outstanding Service Award
Forms for the Meeting: |
CALL FOR PAPERS AND POSTERS FOR PRESENTATION AT THE 47th ANNUAL MEETING OF THE ARIZONA-NEVADA ACADEMY OF SCIENCE APRIL 12, 2003 NORTHERN ARIZONA UNIVERSITY, FLAGSTAFF, ARIZONAATTENTION ALL MEMBERS: We urge your attendance and presentation of research results at the forthcoming Annual Meeting. Sessions are planned for the following disciplines: Anthropology, Biology, Chemistry, Conservation, Geography, Geology, Hydrology, and Science Education. In addition, results in any of these fields may be presented in poster format. The meeting is open to all persons, and we solicit your help in calling this to the attention of your colleagues and your students who are not members but are interested in attending and presenting papers. |
This site is sponsored by the Department of Geosciences,
University of Arizona