NOVEMBER, 2005 Biomedical Sciences, Midwestern University, 19555 N 59th Ave, Glendale, AZ 85308 | |
ANAS HOME Newsletter Editor Kathy Lauckner UNLV Web Master Owen Davis UA |
Forms for the Meeting: |
ANAS 50th Anniversary Meeting - April 7-8, 2006
The Arizona-Nevada Academy of Science (AAS at the time)
was founded in 1956. Next year's meeting
will be our FIFTIETH ANNIVERSARY -- held April 7th and 8th on the
University of Arizona Campus.
The 49th annual meeting was organized by KATHY LAUCKNER
49TH ANNUAL MEETING - FOLLOW UPPaper and Poster presentations at the 49th annual meeting of the Arizona-Nevada Academy of Science, April 9, 2005 in Las Vegas were well received and 123 of our colleagues attended. Thank you for your registrations and the encouragement you have offered to your students and colleagues who attended to present their important research. Sessions were held for the following disciplines: Anthropology, Biology, Chemistry, Conservation, Geography, Geology, Hydrology, and Science Education. In addition, we had results in these fields presented in poster format. The presentations for best paper and poster were reviewed and judged and our winners were: Best Student Papers were: |
Congratulations to this year's slate of officers,
who took office at the 49th annual meeting.
ANAS BOARD 2005-2006
Past President
Permanent Secretary
Membership Secretary
Recording Secretary
Editor of the Journal
Proceedings Editor
Newsletter Editor
Director, Southern Arizona
Director, Central Arizona
Director, Northern Arizona
Director, Nevada |
Visit the SO web site! |
SCIENCE OLYMPIADAt the 49th annual meeting, ANAS formally changed its bylaws to include sponsorship of "SO" Science Olympiad Division C (high school). ANAS will now be the primary not-for-profit supporter for SO. This affiliation makes all contributions to SO tax deductible. The Arizona Science Olympiad is the regional competition of the National Science Olympiad Program. Donors will be recognized in the tournament program, awards ceremony and web page.
Won't you please consider supporting
the ingenuity, skills, acknowledge, and enthusiasm of our youth as high school
teams from throughout the state compete in over 25 events related to science,
mathematics and technology. For more information contact: |
This is just a gentle reminder from the ANAS Membership Secretary--as of
November 18, 65 of our individual members have not yet sent in their
renewals for the 2006 membership year. Renewal notices were mailed in late
August; your renewal is due by December 31. If you would like to check as to
whether you have already renewed, please ask me via e-mail
( |
For application materials, click [here] |
AWARD DEADLINESEach year, the Arizona-Nevada Academy of science distributes several grants, scholarships and awards. The deadline for several of these is fast approaching!
This site is sponsored by the Department of Geosciences,
University of Arizona