OCTOBER, 2002 Department of Geosciences, University of Arizona, Tucson, Arizona 85721-0077 anas@geo.arizona.edu | |
ANAS HOME Newsletter Editor Stephen Williams Glendale Comm. College Web Master Owen Davis U of Az |
ANAS President-Elect Perry Baker organized the 2002 ANAS meeting
at Midwestern College,
and President Aregai Tecle will organize the 2003 meeting
in Flagstaff.
ANAS OFFICERS FOR 2002-3The 47th Annual Meeting of the Arizona-Nevada Academy of Science will be held at Northern Arizona University, Flagstaff, Arizona, on April 11-12, 2003. Here is the new slate of officers for the Academy.PRESIDENT Aregai Tecle PRESIDENT-ELECT William Perry Baker PAST PRESIDENT James de Vos MEMBERSHIP SECRETARY Ingrid Novodvorsky RECORDING SECRETARY Betsy Cooper TREASURER Karen Conzelman PROCEEDINGS EDITOR Florence Slater DIRECTORS, SOUTHERN ARIZONA Owen Davis Robert Scarborough DIRECTORS, CENTRAL ARIZONA Robert Reavis Martin Wojciechowski DIRECTORS, NORTHERN ARIZONA Malchus B. Baker Stephen Shuster DIRECTORS, NEVADA Kathy Lauckner Carl L Reiber PERMANENT SECRETARY Owen K. Davis EDITOR OF THE JOURNAL Anthony Brazel EDITOR OF THE NEWSLETTER Stephen Williams |
The Regional Directors of ANAS serve to promote science in each of four regions of Nevada and Arizona, as well as report scientific activities in their regions to the Board of Governors, for inclusion in the ANAS Newsletter and web site. |
NECROLOGYI have the unfortunate task of informing you of the passing of one of our board members, Dr. Malchus Baker, who died unexpectedly September 25, 2002, at his home in Flagstaff, Arizona. Malchus was one of the key scientists that kept the Hydrology and Water Resources section of the Academy running. For many years, he spear-headed the publication and distribution of the Hydrology Section proceedings, Hydrology and Water Resources in Arizona and the Southwest. This year, he also accepted the challenge of serving as one of the two northern Arizona directors of the Academy. Malchus was a hydrologist with the USDA Forest Service's Rocky Mountain Research Station. He joined the Station in 1969, as a Research Hydrologist working on the Beaver Creek Experimental Watershed project. As a young scientist, he was key in the design, operation, monitoring and studying the Beaver Creek Experimental Pilot Project in Arizona during its active years. Since then, Malchus has been involved in numerous regional and International studies. His most recent work involved natural processes that govern properly functioning riparian ecosystems, and the interrelationships between the aquatic, biotic, and upland watershed components of the system. A major aspect of the riparian work is developing or adapting methodology and techniques for assessing riparian conditions and for restoring degraded systems. Malchus authored or co-authored a number of books and nearly 80 other publications on the influence of vegetation manipulation on water yield, storm flow, riparian assessment and condition, and watershed hydrology. His works are widely published in Forest Service professional papers and many journal articles. He is survived by his wife Linda and their three children.
Aregai Tecle |
To join the ANAS listserv, just provide an email address when you renew your membership, or send a message to anas@geo.arizona.edu. |
ON LINE ANAS NEWSLETTERThe Arizona-Nevada Academy of Science has the Newsletters on line, and they can be found at our web site: www.geo.arizona.edu/anas. Normally, you will read the newsletter online, or receive it on the ANAS listserve. But, if you still want to receive a hard copy of the Newsletter by mail you will need to check that option on your membership renewal. |
For an online application form click [Here] |
APPLICATION FOR GRADUATE STUDENT RESEARCH GRANTS-IN-AIDThe Arizona-Nevada Academy of Science will award Grants-in-Aid in amounts up to $250 to students who are enrolled in a graduate program at one of the universities in Nevada or Arizona and who are members of the Academy. The grant funds may be used for any activity directly associated with an ongoing research project (equipment purchase, supplies, travel to field site, etc.) The funds may not be used for travel to scientific meetings, publication costs or any other activity not directly associated with the research. Graduate students receiving grants must submit a report up to eight pages in length to the Arizona-Nevada Academy of Science after the completion of the research or within one year after receipt of the grant. The paper will be considered for publication in the Journal. If the report is published in JANAS, the Academy will waive page charges. Grants are reviewed two times a year but are only awarded on a one-time basis per application. Deadlines for submission are November 15 and March 15. Send five copies of application accompanied by five copies of a letter of support to the Grants-in-Aid Committee, Arizona-Nevada Academy of Science in care of: Grants-in-Aid Committee, ANASAregai Tecle School of Forestry, Bldg 082, Box 15018 NAU, Flagstaff, AZ 86001-5018 (928) 523-6642 dpt. -3031 Aregai.Tecle@nau.edu |
Forms for the Meeting: |
CALL FOR PAPERS AND POSTERS FOR PRESENTATION AT THE 47th ANNUAL MEETING OF THE ARIZONA-NEVADA ACADEMY OF SCIENCE APRIL 12, 2003 NORTHERN ARIZONA UNIVERSITY, FLAGSTAFF, ARIZONAATTENTION ALL MEMBERS: We urge your attendance and presentation of research results at the forthcoming Annual Meeting. Sessions are planned for the following disciplines: Anthropology, Biology, Chemistry, Conservation, Geography, Geology, Hydrology, and Science Education. In addition, results in any of these fields may be presented in poster format. The meeting is open to all persons, and we solicit your help in calling this to the attention of your colleagues and your students who are not members but are interested in attending and presenting papers. |
This site is sponsored by the Department of Geosciences,
University of Arizona