Minutes of the ANAS Board Meeting
Sept. 9, 2000

The meeting was called to order at 10:05 A.M. Present were William Perry Baker, Norm Thomas, Don Pinkava, Les Landrum, Cindy Zisner, Tony Brazel, Jim deVos, Steve Williams, Karen Conzelman, Owen Davis, Aregai Tecle, and Betsy Cooper.

The first part of the meeting was devoted to issues relating to the Journal.
Tony Brazel reported that the Editorial Board for the Journal met in June. Don Pinkava provided the protocols of the duties of the Editor. The most pressing need is to regularize the Journal:
    1. identify people who wish to write articles,
    2. get the journal out regularly, and
    3. put out special issues on a regular basis.

There is also a need to raise money for the Journal. The process of putting out the Journal can be streamlined and computerized; it would be possible to change the look and style of the Journal cover.

Jim deVos made a motion to approve the Editorial Board's proposal to consider making changes in format using examples provided by Jim deVos. Betsy seconded the motion, and the motion was passed.

The costs of publishing the Journal must be covered. The options of increasing page charges and raising dues were raised. The Editorial Board recommends making payment of page charges voluntary. Jim noted that our page charges are low, relative to average journal charges, but making them voluntary would encourage people to submit papers. Don noted that $1560 was collected for the last issue and all page charges were paid. The issue of page charges was made clear on submission of the paper. Students do not pay page charges. Les noted that the Floral issues are paid for by the Dean at ASU; no page charges are incurred; typing costs for the Floral issues are paid by the Academy. Karen observed that page charges never covered the full cost of the Journal, that the Journal is a budget item for the Academy.

Since there is a low number of papers submitted, the Editorial Board feels that page charges are punitive. However, if we don't have page charges the costs have to be met somehow. It was suggested that Membership dues could be raised; we could identify Journal sponsors: consulting firms, NAU, U of A press, ASU. Owen observed that we have an Advertising Editor now; perhaps Robert Reavis should be charged with trying to locate sponsors for the Journal. Aregai and Perry volunteered to work with Robert in locating sponsors. Perry asked about the possibility of rotating sponsors, suggesting that Midwestern University might be willing to contribute.

Jim made a motion to make page-charges voluntary on a temporary basis. Aregai seconded the motion and the Board passed it. An announcement will be put in the Flora Issue. Don suggested that the wording be that page charges are such and such, but that the charges may be waived.

We have three kinds of Journal issues: the regular journal, special issues and floral issues. The journal has a history of being irregular. We need to reestablish the image of a regularly published journal; we need to build a time frame and hit it! Owen moved that the Editorial Board be given target dates of March and August, 2001 for putting issues together. The motion was seconded and passed.

Les mentioned that there will likely be two Flora issues in 2000.

A suggestion was made that the Editorial Board will examine the Instructions to the Authors and develop an article regarding the proper formatting of manuscripts; perhaps a check list for authors.

Karen reminded the Board that if we are hoping to play catch up with the Journal, she needs to adjust the Journal Budget line for next year. Tony indicated that the Editorial Board does intend to catch up.

It was suggested that it might be possible to include the Friday evening Presentation in the journal and to include the Best Student papers. Jim suggested that the Editorial Board look into the relative costs of other methods of publishing the journal, noting the desirability of higher quality photos and higher quality paper. Les asked how much of the $25 membership fee goes to the journal: 35-40%. Aregai made a motion that the Editorial Board would look into the paper quality issue and cover design and report to the Board in January. Jim seconded the motion and the motion was passed.

Owen observed that the journal is not copyrighted. Adding a copyright symbol on the Journal and on the web page would add to the professionalism of both. We need to request an ISBN for the journal. This request can be made by web. This would increase our visibility; each issue would be kept in the Library of Congress. Jim moved that we put the copyright symbol and an ISBN on the inside cover of the journal. Karen seconded the motion and the Board passed the motion. We will need a statement to notify authors about permission to use information published in the journal in other articles.

Les provided some history regarding the Floral issues. Faculty and students had been working on the Arizona flora for years and decided that they should publish articles as studies were completed. Initially page charges were sought, but then the Dean at ASU agreed to cover the charges. It is not known when it will be completed, but not soon. Five issues have been completed. There is hope that the articles will be collated into a book at some time. Les agreed to put together a formal statement of request regarding the copyright issue for authors of the Floral issues and present it at the January meeting in Las Vegas.

Perry suggested that we might consider putting a membership form in the flora issues.

Don noted that one person on the Editorial Board needs to be a business manager responsible for jobs associated with publishing the journal other than getting the papers to the publisher. Among the issues for the business manager: correcting wrong addresses, advertising, mailing, billing, and supervising foreign mailings.

There seems to be some confusion regarding subscriptions and renewals for Institutions such as libraries. Institutional subscriptions should go to the Editor and membership requests should go to the Membership secretary. Tony agreed that he would take on the responsibility of institutional subscriptions and send all checks to Karen.

Owen brought up the subject of back issues. We need to set a price for back issues. Demand for back Floral issues is high; the demand for back Journal issues is low. The cost per copy is about $3.00. Jim moved that the cost of back issues remain at $6.00 to cover the cost of printing and mailing. Karen seconded the motion and the motion was passed. It was agreed that 4 or more issues would cost $5.00 each.

The Board recessed for lunch.

The Board reconvened at 12:30. The minutes of the Board meeting in April were read. Karen moved that the minutes be accepted, Jim seconded the motion. The motion passed. Owen announced that Gordon's daughter has agreed to audit the books for the Academy.

Ingrid Novodvorsky sent a report that we currently have 331 individual members and 78 institutional members. Owen reported that she sent him a list of 300 members who are willing to be on the web. Jim moved that the Membership Secretary's report be accepted. Norm seconded and the motion passed.

Karen presented the Treasurer's report.
Operating Fund
Wells Fargo Bank $ 2,837.11
ASU Account (as of 7/31/00) 908.69

Short Term Reserve Account (Vanguard Money Market) 12,662.43

Vanguard Index 500 Fund 20,687.99
(Current (9/7/00) market value:
148.888 shares @ $138.95/share)
TOTAL: $ 37,096.22

Betsy moved and Norm seconded that the Treasurer's report be accepted. The motion passed.

Steve reported that the October newsletter will be coming out. Perry Baker will do the Outstanding Teacher Award. Karen moved that the Newsletter Editor's report be accepted. Norm seconded the motion and the motion passed. Owen suggested that he would write an article for the newsletter about Steve's many years of service in putting out the newsletter.

Betsy announced that papers for the Proceedings would be due to section chairs on Feb. 14, 2001. She will send letters to the section chairs in October.

Owen observed that the Directors in some societies are very active. They are voting members of the Board, but most of the Directors for the ANAS Academy don't actively participate in the Academy. The duties of the Directors is spelled out in the by laws and on the web. Owen indicated that he will send a copy of the by laws to each board member and will send a letter to the Directors reminding them that they are voting members of the Board and indicating that their participation would be very welcome. Jim made a suggestion that the Board develop a certificate to present to all voting and nonvoting officers of the Board in appreciation of service to the Academy. These would be presented by the outgoing president to members when they join or step down from office. Jim will have his secretary design the certificate. Karen moved that the Director's report be accepted. Aregai seconded the motion and the motion was passed.

Owen reported that hew has received 22 boxes of archival material, 13 boxes of back issues and 6 boxes of proceedings. He will keep some copies, but will throw out the excess after 5 years. Owen is serving as web master, keeping the membership directory and developing a journal page to be linked shortly. As historian, he has created tables of presidents, meetings, changes in dues and the cost of the journal through time. He suggested having a poster at each meeting updating this information. He also recommended creating an index of articles for upcoming journals. Tony and Cindy will send a pdf file to Owen so that the Journal articles will be available on the web. Karen moved that the Permanent Secretary's report be accepted. Norm seconded the motion and the motion passed.

Owen showed the Board a copy of the Brochure he has developed. He will send copies to each Board member and will update it each year. Norm Thomas suggested that a copy of the Brochure be included with back issues. Perry suggested that he could use back proceedings issues to pass out to teachers groups. Owen agreed to send Perry a box of recent back issues to Perry.

The meeting was adjourned at 1:40 P.M.

Respectfully submitted,

Betsy Cooper
Recording Secretary