Board Meeting
Arizona Nevada Academy of Sciences
April 13, 2001
The University of Nevada at Las Vegas

Present at the meeting were Norm Thomas, Steve Williams, Don Young, Karen Conzelman, Kathy Lauckner, Betsy Cooper, Ingrid Novodvorsky, Carl Reiber, Jim deVos, Aregai Tecle, and Owen Davis.

Owen reported that a one-time e-mail had been sent to all of the members of the Academy from which Owen will develop a list-serve.

A correction was made to the minutes: on page 6 geography should be geology.

The question was raised as to whether or not the minutes should be posted on the web. It was agreed that they should. Kathy moved and Norm seconded that the minutes be accepted as modified.  The motion passed.

Karen presented the Treasurer's report:

General Fund:
Operating Fund
Wells Fargo Bank $ 8,244.99
ASU Account (as of 3/31/01) 836.17

Short Term Reserve Account (Vanguard Money Market) $13,117.22

Goethe Educational Endowment Fund:
Vanguard Index 500 Fund $16,591.34
(current (4/12/01) market value: 151.838 shares @ $109.27/share)
Total: $38,789.72

Karen also reported that Wells Fargo Bank only allows 75 deposits/month. Above that for each check there is a $0.30 charge.  Printing costs for the newsletter and Proceedings has increased substantially. We should look into new copier options. Betsy moved, Ingrid seconded that the Treasurer's report be accepted. The motion passed.

Ingrid gave the Membership Secretary's report.  We have 185 members and 67 nondues paying members which include life, emeritus, and honorary members.  We have only 4 student members.  Currently there are 57 institutional members of which 16 receive complimentary subscriptions.  Karen moved and Norm seconded that the membership secretary's report be accepted. The motion passed.

Steve gave the Newsletter Editor's report: we got the newsletter out just in time!  Kathy moved, Ingrid seconded that the newsletter editor's report be accepted.  The motion passed.

Betsy gave the Proceedings Editor's report.  One hundred and thirty-six people have pre-registered for the meeting.  There will be 103 paper presentations at the meetings: 7 in Anthropology, 22 in Biology, 15 in Chemistry, 10 in Conservation, 8 in Geology, 19 in Hydrology, and 7 in Science Education.  Eighteen students are competing for the Best Student Paper Award.  In addition there are 15 poster sessions scheduled including 6 by students competing for the Best Student Poster Award. Norm moved, Karen seconded that the Proceedings Editor's report be accepted.  The motion passed.

Directors' reports were requested.  Norm indicated that he continues to talk with people about the ANAS. Kathy suggested that new presenters might be attracted to join the academy.  Carl reported that Kathy has worked very hard to get the UNLV people involved in the meetings. Ingrid moved, Betsy seconded that the Directors' reports should be accepted.  The motion passed.

Owen Davis gave the Permanent Secretary's report.  He has assumed the responsibility for maintaining the ANAS web page and has created a list serve from the membership. Up to three copies of each journal and Proceedings volume have been archived.  The newsletters and minutes may be included in the archive.  Steve agreed to pull together the 10 -12 years of newsletters that he has published.  Bud Ellis has additional issues.  Karen moved and Ingrid seconded that the Permanent Secretary's report be accepted.

Steve reported on the Junior Academy.  Between 40 and 50 students will meet at Glendale Community College for the annual meeting.  Lynette Hoff apparently will make copies of the Proceedings.  Sandra Wardwell, Karen Conzelman and Steve will judge the papers, but additional judges are needed.  Lunches at $7.50/ person have been ordered for the event.

Owen reported for Tony Brazel, the Journal Editor's. The Floral issue is in press.  Papers for a regular journal issue have been sent to the contributors for editing and a second regular issue may be possible; two articles have been submitted so far.

Kathy presented the Annual Meeting Organization Committee's Report. Registration will be in the lobby and there will be morning coffee available for the workers. Several of the classrooms are equipped with computers. Computers will be moved to best accommodate the presenters.  Coffee breaks will be set up on both sides of the lobby on either side of the posters. Luncheon will be held at the Grand Hall of the Alumni Center that is located on the east side of the campus. An electric cart has been made available for any needing transportation there and back.  The luncheon will include turkey wraps with pasta salad and cake. The library is willing to host a tour at 3:00 PM for any who are interested.  A sign up sheet will be posted at the registration desk. Two rooms will be set aside as practice rooms for presenters.  The suggestion was made that a box should be put on the Presentation Application forms regarding power point presentations.  Power point is becoming an expected utility. Jim deVos moved and Ingrid seconded that Kathy's report be accepted.

Owen proposed that family memberships be raised to $45 effective 2002. Student memberships would remain unchanged.  It will be necessary to amend the ANAS by laws to include these two membership classes. Ingrid moved and Norm seconded the change in the membership fees.  The motion passed.  The proposed amendment will be published in the October newsletter.  Karen suggested that since student membership will be considerably less expensive than regular memberships, it might be worthwhile to verify student status for membership.

The meeting was adjourned at 6:10 PM.

Respectfully submitted,

Betsy Cooper

Recording Secretary