Board Meeting
Arizona Nevada Academy of Sciences
Sept. 22, 2001
Arizona Game and Fish Dept. office at 2221 W. Greenway

Jim deVos, president, called the meeting to order at 10:00 A.M. Present were Aregai Tecle, Owen Davis, Jim deVos, Steve Williams, Karen Conzelman, Florence Slater and Betsy Cooper.

Jim announced that he had been talking up the ANAS with groups with whom he is in contact. He has contacted the Arizona Chapters of Fisheries and Wildlife societies hoping to get a message into their newsletter about the April ANAS meeting. Letters have been sent to department chairs in those disciplines with which he has contact soliciting interest in publishing in the Journal of ANAS.

Owen identified the materials he now has stored in the ANAS Archive: 25 boxes of miscellaneous material, Copies of all Proceedings, Copies of all Journals. If any one knows how to get on Listserve for other science institutions, please let Owen know. The appearance of the ANAS web page has undergone a major revision. It now includes the minutes of Board Meetings.

Betsy Cooper presented the minutes from the April 13, 2001 meeting. Owen moved, Aregai seconded that the minutes be accepted. The motion passed.

Steve Williams asked for clarification of the different rates for dues. Regular membership dues are $35, Family dues are $45, Fellows dues are $35, Students dues are $15, Sustaining member dues are $105, Patron dues are $100, Life members dues are $700. Institutional dues will be $35 US and $45 International. These changes will be reflected in the call for papers.

Karen presented the Treasurer's report:

General Fund:
Operating Fund
Wells Fargo Bank $2611.02
ASU Account (as of 3/31/01) 484.32

Short Term Reserve Account (Vanguard Money Market) 13,350.08

Goethe Educational Endowment Fund:
Vanguard Index 500 Fund $13,622.47
(current (9/21/01) market value: 152.924 shares @ $89.08/share)
Total: $30,067.89

She noted that we allocated $1800 for the Journal this year, and have already spent $1600 of that. With the new format, the typing costs have doubled. Jim recommended that we allocate more for the Journal. However, lacking a quorum a Board decision wasn't possible even though the next issue should be out before the next meeting and printing costs will be incurred. It was observed that there are other budget lines available for use, so Jim determined that Board action would not be required at this time. Aregai moved and Owen seconded that Karen's report be accepted. The motion carried.

Jim reported for Tony Brazel, the Journal Editor. There is a full complement of papers for the fall issue from 4 different disciplines. It is being type set now. A more concise set of instructions for authors is being developed which should save time for Cindy and reduce typing costs. Aregai indicated that if the Academy were to write a letter inviting hydrology faculty to publish a specialty issue sufficient papers could be obtained. Jim noted that we are back on track with issues. He is collecting papers for a spring issue. Would Tony have the time to do a special volume in addition? Perhaps we could have a special issue editor to work under Tony for that issue, but we don't want to disrupt the process being reestablished for 2 regular journal issues per year. Owen suggested that if the special editor would do the typing, no typing charges would be incurred, and Karen added that the authors could pay no page charges, but the special editor would have to work with Tony on page lay out, etc. Aregai indicated that he would write a letter to Peter Ffollett expressing board interest in such an undertaking, and asking if Peter could appoint a special editor to provide a short proposal and time line to be presented at the January 12th board meeting.

Jim reported for Kathy Lauckner that she couldn't be here for the meeting but would be happy to help with the Annual Meeting.

Jim raised a question about regional directors. Should we reduce the number of regional directors? Their attendance at meetings is poor and most do not appear to make substantive contributions. The by laws call for 2 directors from each of 4 regions. It was suggested that in order to assist obtaining the quorum necessary for Board decisions, that regional directors be made nonvoting members and make the Newsletter Editor, Proceedings Editor and Permanent Secretary voting members. Karen suggested that perhaps the senior regional director be a voting member and the alternate director would vote if the senior member was absent. Each region then would have one vote. Owen suggested that we make this one of a list of items for the Board to consider at the next meeting and put it into the March newsletter for a vote in April. The second item on the list would be making the Permanent Secretary, Newsletter Editor and Proceedings Editor voting members.

The Annual Meeting will be April 6th and the Board Meeting will be April 5th. Do we want to plan anything formal for Friday evening or just the Board meeting over dinner? Registration would be only Saturday morning starting at 7:00 A.M. Only at NAU are Friday night activities well attended. Betsy suggested that the Space Center be invited to participate in the Annual Meeting. Jim said he would contact William Perry to invite their participation.

The issue of our relationship with the Junior Academy was raised. The Junior Academy has been less and less active at the Annual Meetings, and the quality of papers presented has not been very high. Since observed that since Don Galen left the Junior Academy has not been very active. This year only Corona del Sol was really represented. We spent $750 on printing, trophies, and luncheons. We have gone to some trouble to provide judges for the events. Why are we putting so much time, effort and money into this? It was suggested that we stipulate participation of X number of schools to obtain Academy support. Steve suggested that we need to take advantage of science events that are working and award them. Perhaps we could give an award in the Science Olympiad and/or other active science groups. Jim suggested that we give money to each region, stipulating that the regional directors identify a science event at which to present an award from ANAS. Steve suggested that he could talk with Charlie Hoyt and Don Galen or Lynette Hoff) to see how we could best support high school science programs. Jim asked Steve to talk with the pertinent people and bring back several options for the January 12th meeting.

Jim noted that it is important for ANAS to get PR, but it is also our goal to generate student interest in science. Karen suggested that we could infuse interest in science by making money available for science teachers to fund student projects.

On a related topic, Steve noted that we have been making 1500 mailings to schools for the Best Science Teacher Award; we pay $150 for prizes, pay $250 in copying and mailing charges and $120 for trophy plaques and $400 for the Outstanding Teacher Award. Sometimes we get only one person applying. Our we getting out money's worth out of this effort. Clearly the winners are very happy and pleased. Perhaps we could contact individuals through other channels, e.g. ASTA or AALE. Steve suggested that perhaps we should sent 440 letter to the high schools, but reach the elementary and middle schools by other routes. Is the prize too small to generate interest in the Best Science Teacher Awards? It was decided that Jim will contact Gary Baldwin about AALE newsletters and Steve will contact Charlie Hoyt and send out the letters to the high schools.

A third item for the list for consideration in January, publishing in March and voting on in April is an amendment to the by laws establishing a committee for the Outstanding Service Award. The committee would consist of the last winner as chair and a recent winner and past winner.

The issue of section chairs was raised: Rob Bowker will chair Biology, Robert Reavis will chair the Poster Session, Dubay will be chair for Conservation. At the moment we have no one for Hydrology, Geography, Geology, Science Ed, Chemistry, Anthropology.

Karen asked if, at the Annual Meeting, we might have a membership table with registration forms and pamphlets, separate from the registration table. Jim recommended that there should be an ANAS table at other state science meetings. We need to identify the appropriate events and have the regional directors participate. We might ask sponsors of meetings to enclose an ANAS pamphlet in their registration packets.

The meeting was adjourned at 12:50 PM.

Respectfully submitted,

Betsy Cooper

Recording Secretary