January 12, 2002
Ocotillo Hall, Midwestern University

The meeting was opened at 10 AM with the following officers present:
Jim deVos
Owen Davis
Aregai Tecle
Tony Brazel
Florence Slater
Karen Conzelman
Robert Reavis
Perry Baker

First order of business was to review the agenda and make additions.

We reviewed the minutes from the September 2001 meeting, which were accepted as submitted. These will be posted on the website.

Annual meeting arrangements and budget. There was considerable discussion about the arrangements for the April 6, 2002 meeting. The following specifics were agreed to.
  • Registration will be held in the foyer of Ocotillo Hall with set up beginning at 6:30 AM and being open at 7AM
  • All of the technical sessions will be held in Ocotillo Hall with Biology and Hydrology being in the two auditoriums and the remainder in the classrooms. There will be a prep room available in Ocotillo Hall throughout the day.
  • All of the rooms will have a full complement of audio-visual equipment including slide projectors, computers and projectors, and overhead projectors. The computers all have zip, 3.5", and CD drives available for loading presentations.
  • Breaks, lunch, and posters will be set up in the Cholla Multipurpose Room.
  • The Board meeting will be April 5 from 6:30 until 8 PM at an off-site restaurant.
  • A head table and speaker system will be needed for the luncheon business meeting.

Unfinished items.

Northwestern does not have the materials for the poster session but will work with various places including ASU West to try and borrow them. Perry will advise the Board on March 1 if he can't borrow them.


In reviewing the 2002 budget, the proposed cost for the luncheon was $2,000 and coffee breaks was $400. We reviewed a proposal for catering and concluded that the budget was adequate for the meeting, however, we need to increase the coffee breaks by $500 and decrease the luncheon by the same amount.


We reviewed a catering proposal from Raimondo's, a caterer from Phoenix. The proposal was accepted with the following modifications.
  • Coffee would be available in the Ocotillo Hall foyer from 7 - 8 AM.
  • A desert would be moved from the afternoon break to the luncheon.
  • Tentative numbers for the caterer are: AM coffee, 120; AM break, 120; luncheon, 100; afternoon break, 60. These numbers will be confirmed with the caterer 1 week before the meeting.

Junior Academy.

This was a continued agenda item from the September meeting. A summary of the issues is that the cost for the supporting the Junior Academy is high, and participation has declined to where there seldom is more than 2 schools participating. Additionally, would there be a better way for ANAS to support secondary science education such as awards at various science competitions.

After considerable discussion, the following was agreed to:
  • As Permanent Recording Secretary, Owen will prepare a letter to the Junior Academy Director indicating that we are not planning for participation by the Junior Academy at the 2002 meeting and that if they wished to participate, they needed to let us know soon.
  • Steve Williams would chair a committee to address long-term direction for ANAS and the Junior Academy.
  • A committee, chaired by Karen Conzelman, and including Owen Davis, Florence Slater, Betsy Cooper, and Steve Williams will determine appropriate financial awards using the $1500 set aside for the Junior Academy if we do not end up including Junior Academy participation in the 2002 meeting. The Board unanimously approved this approach.

ANAS Table Covering.

In the September and again at this meeting, there was discussion about the need to increase our visibility at other meetings. One of the ways to do this is to have an oilskin tablecloth developed with our logo and name on it. This could be used at the ANAS annual meeting as well as at other scientific meetings. Karen Conzelman had obtained information and pricing on this item and presented it to the Board. After discussion, we approved purchase of an oil skin table cloth that measures 72" X 72" with our logo, the name spelled out, and in a royal blue and gold color. The Board unanimously passed this.


Tony Brazel, JANAS Editor briefed the Board on the status of JANAS. He has finalized the next release, which should go to the printer in January. In addition, he has nearly half the material needed to make another release. Although the next release will be in early 2002, this is really the second release that was slated for 2001. We are planning to have the 2 regular releases for 2002. Discussion included a note that Tony is doing an excellent job with JANAS. It is nice to be close to being back on schedule.

JANAS Special Edition.

Aregai Tecle presented a proposal for a special edition of JANAS. The focus of the special edition would be southwestern hydrology issues. Authorship and individual manuscript titles have been determined. There was considerable discussion on this issue with the following conclusions:
  • The Board supported the concept so long as it did not impact production of general issues.
  • The proponents needed to select an editor for the special edition who would work closely with Tony Brazel (JANAS Editor) to ensure consistency with the current format and editorial standard.
  • Because we have a fairly tight budget, doing a special edition would cause a shortfall in the JANAS budget line, all authors need to be apprised of the need to pay page charges if they had grant support to do so. This is consistent with the page charge standard adopted by the Board.
  • The President would send a letter to Aregai indicating support for the proposal that included the above points.

ANAS Annual Budget

Karen Conzelman presented a draft budget for the 2002-2003 year. After some discussion on specific issues such as the Junior Academy, annual meeting, and JANAS, the modified budget was approved.

After a tour of the area where the luncheon will be held, the meeting adjourned.

The next Board meeting will be April 5 at 6:00 PM at the Javelina Springs 20585 N 59th Ave., Glendale. The location is one block north of Loop 101 on 59th Ave.

Treasurer's report: January 12, 2002

General Fund:
Operating Fund
Wells Fargo Bank $7,278.40
ASU Account (as of 11/30/01) 413.45

Short Term Reserve Account (Vanguard Money Market) 13,471.52

Goethe Educational Endowment Fund:
Vanguard Index 500 Fund $16,484.10
(current (1/11/02) market value: 155.937 shares @ $105.71/share)
Total: $37,647.47