September 14, 2002
Northern Arizona University, Flagstaff, AZ

The meeting was called to order at 7:00PM. Argai Tecle, William Perry Baker, Jim deVos, Kathy Lauckner, Karen Conzelman, Owen Davis, Florence Slater, Malchus Baker, Ingrid Novodvorsky, Betsy Cooper and Tony Brazel were in attendance.

Minutes of the Arizona Nevada Academy Board Meeting

The meeting was called to order at 10:00. In attendance were Karen Conzelman, Marty Wojciechowski, Aregai Tecle, Florence Slater, Steve Williams, Tony Brazel and Betsy Cooper.

The minutes from the April meeting were read. Florence moved and Aregai seconded that the minutes be accepted. The motion passed.

Karen gave the Treasurer's report.
      Operating Fund
        Wells Fargo Bank                                 $1,808.48
        ASU Account (as of 07/31/02)                      1,068.03

      Short Term Reserve Account (Vanguard Money Market) 14,629.15

      Vanguard Index 500 Fund                            12,978.80
      Current (09/13/02) market value: 157.376 shares @ $82.47/share)

    TOTAL:                                              $29,484.46

Tony moved and Florence seconded that the Treasurer's report be accepted. The motion passed.

Ingrid was not present to present the Membership Secretary's Report. Karen reported that Ingrid had mentioned that we have 215 members not including institutional members. There are 147 dues paying members and 68 emeritus members. There are around 185 institutional members.

Tony gave a report on the status of the Journal. Volume 34 issue 1 was completed earlier in the year. Volume 34 issue 2 is at the printers now. The first issue cost $1653 to put out the second will cost a little less. The first manuscripts are in for the next issue which should be out in February of next year. A call for more papers will be going out. A special issue on Watershed issues (Hydrology) is ready for typesetting and should be printed by the end of November. Authors will pay page charges for that issue. The Forest Service provided $6000 to pay the editors for the issue. Karen will send out bills to the first authors once the page counts are known. Les Landrum is taking care of back issues. Tony will check about the status of the next Floral issue.

Steve reported that he has changed from Pagemaker to Word for the newsletter. He asked about the committees in charge of Grant's in Aid for High Schools, and Graduate students, the High School Scholarship and outstanding teachers award. Are last years committees still serving? Aregai agreed to contact all committee chairs to make sure they are willing to continue. Last year Fish and Game sent out the applications for the High School Grant in Aid, the High School Scholarship and the Outstanding Science Teacher award and paid the $1500 costs. Aregai will check to see if they are willing to do so again.

Florence announced that the Deaadline for submission of papers to section chairs for this years Annual Academy Meeting is Feb. 14, 03. A request will be made that papers be sent by e-mail rather than on disk. The Abstract should be written in Word using Times New Roman. A hard copy with check must also be received by that date. Students entering the Best Student Presentation Award do NOT need to submit a copy of the paper. The section chairs must have the Abstracts and checks to Florence by March 14, 03. It was requested that rooms for the presentations be equipped with projection systems handling windows. Slide projectors and overheads will also be needed. Aregai indicated that he will find out what kind of drives are on the computers in the presentation rooms and arrange for student volunteers to help with any computer gliches. Aregai moved and Florence seconded that the student volunteers be given free lunches for the meeting. The motion passed.

The section chairs for this year are:
    Anthropology Miquel Vasquez (?)
    Biology - Rob Bowker
    Chemistry Richard Faust (?)
    Conservation Jim deVos
    Geography Tony Brazel
    Geology Owen Davis (?)
    Hydrology Jemison and Gottfried (?)
    Posters Robert Reavis
    Science Ed ?????
Aregai agreed to contact those individuals with question marks to ascertain their availability and willingness to serve. Florence and Steve will need email addresses for the chairs.

Registration for the Annual Meeting includes lunch:
    Members              $35
    Nonmembers            45
    Student members       15
    Student nonmembers    20

Aregai will find out about lunches for the meeting and the prices. He will endeavor to find sponsors for the coffee breaks and lunches. The Academy has $1500 budgeted for lunches and $1000 budgeted for coffee breaks.

The suggestion was made to have Owen send out Brochures to all the Directors. Steve agreed to send out copies of the Newsletter to assist the Directors in their recruitment efforts. Aregai agreed to write a letter to the Directors suggesting that they contact different student groups, university groups and industries in their area to create more interest in the Academy.

We need to decide if we wish to continue sponsoring the Junior Academy when only two schools are participating and the quality of the student presentations is poor. Aregai said he would contact Lyneete and ask if she wants to continue and if so to establish criteria for continued sponsorship including the participation of a minimum of 5 high schools. We will make a decision at the January Board meeting. It was suggested that it might be a good job for the President-elect (Perry Baker) to contact the high schools and find some one willing to be an active director of the Junior Academy.

Aregai reported on arrangements for the Annual Meeting. He, Malchus Baker and Steven Schuster will make up the local committee in charge of arrangements. Rooms in two buildings have been secured for presentations and will make sure there are practice rooms. He will arrange for the Luncheon to be held in du Bois as last time. He suggested several possibilities for luncheon speakers: (1) the Director of the Ecological Restoration Institue, (2) a member USGS which is in charge of space mapping, (3) a member of the Lowell Observatory or (4) a member of the Forest Service.

It was suggested that any of the speakers above would be very suitable for a Friday evening presentation as well. Aregai will arrange a room for the Friday evening event. He will also arrange for motel accommodations. Amerisuites and Hampton Inn are both within walking distance of the meetings. The Radisson is not within walking distance.

Aregai announced that he has received information about a $10,000 grant for K - 12 outreach in science education. If any one knows of teachers interested in applying contact Aregai.

The meeting adjourned at 1:10 P.M.

Respectfully submitted by

Betsy Cooper
Recording Secretary