Minutes ANAS Meeting January 11, 2003

Call to order 9:00 A.M. 151 Life Sciences Building, Glendale Community College, Glendale, Arizona.

President Aregai Tecle thanked the Glendale members present for hosting the board meeting.

Present at the meeting: Aregai Tecle, Florence Slater, Karen Conzelman, Owen Davis, Tony Brazel, Robert Reavis, Perry Baker, Stephen Williams, Jim deVos.

* - action items.


MINUTES of September 14, 2002 Meeting (read for Betsy Cooper)

The minutes were read and accepted, it was noted that William Stone, NAU, had been appointed to serve as Science Education Section Chair after the September meeting, and thus his name was not in the minutes.

* It was suggested that it is important for Florence to remind the session chairs that presenters for the best student paper do not need to submit a paper in advance of the meeting.

Karen moved and Owen seconded that the Minutes be accepted - approved by voice vote.


Karen Conzelman presented a treasurers report including the Vanguard Funds, the General Fund, the ASU General Fund. The total market value of the ANAS assets is $32,688.66. The Goethe Educational Endowment lost $3500 last year due to poor stock market performance.

The General Fund finished 2003 in the red $900. The primary reasons are fewer membership dues, fewer attendees of the annual meeting, fewer back issues of the Journal were sold, and the journal cost more money.

Treasurer's Report

Operating and Short Term Reserve Fund (Vanguard Prime Money Market Fund)
Account Value on 12/31/01 $13,471.52
Dividend Deposits 174.15
Transferred to ASU General Fund -1000.00
Account Value on 12/31/02 $12,676.18

Goethe Educational Endowment Fund (Vanguard Index 500 Mutual Fund)
Account Value on 12/31/01 (155.564 shares at $105.89/share) $16,472.67
Transferred Donations + 3.029 shares Total: 158.593 shares  
Dividends + 2.499 shares Total: 161.092 shares  
Account Value on 12/31/02 (161.092 shares at $ 81.15/share) $13,072.62

General Fund
December 31, 2001 Balance $6,882.99
Transferred to Goethe Educational Endowment Fund - 270.00
Deposits +$11,290.00
Expenses - 9233.66
Transferred to ASU General Fund - 2500.00
December 31, 2002 Balance $6124.33

ASU General Fund
December 31, 2001 Balance $413.45
Transfer from General Fund + 3500.00
Expenses - 3097.92
December 31, 2001 Balance $ 815.53
Market Value of Assets (as of December 31, 2002) $ 32,688.66

$ 11,290.00

General Fund Details

Deposits     Expenses
$ 4850.00   Membership dues
2130.00     Subscriptions
390.00     Sale of Back Issues
1200.00     Reprints/Page Charges
    Printing $ 2742.55
    Typing 1500.00
  Postage 176.93
    Printing 628.87
    Postage 367.55
    Scholarships 800.00
    Committee Expenses/Postage 38.91
  Grants-in-Aid, High School:
    Grants 100.00
    Printing/Postage 94.60
    Grants-in-Aid, Graduate 250.00
  Annual Meeting:
2500.00     Registration Fees
    Proceedings, Printing 735.08
    Proceedings, Postage
    Coffee Breaks 1161.50
    Friday Reception 171.44
    Saturday Luncheon 1361.25
    Meeting Rooms 0.00
      Outstanding Service 50.00
      Outstanding Teacher 150.00
      Printing/Postage 60.53
      Plaques 120.96
      Best Student Papers 150.00
    Supplies 49.74
  Science Olympiad Awards 850.00
120.00   Goethe Endowment Fund Contributions
  AZ Corporation Commission 10.00
  NAAS Dues 32.05
  Supplies 38.88
  Postage/Office 189.54
  Printing/Office 6.20
100.00   ANAS Table Banner 445.00
  TOTALS $ 12,331.58

Jim deVos moved and Robert Reavis seconded that the Treasurers report be accepted - approved by voice vote.


Karen present a budget for 2003 based on a projected income of $15,400, chiefly from dues ($6000) and the Journal ($4600). Primary projected costs are the Journal ($6850) and annual meeting ($3800). Probable differences from the proposed budget include possible lower postage supplies, and purchasing ribbons for the annual meeting.

There was a long discussion about the effect of not funding the Junior Academy and transferring that money to ANAS awards (see below under "ANAS COMMITTEES"), but the total budget was unchanged by re-assigning this money.

Arizona-Nevada Academy of Science - Treasurer's Report- Budget Proposal
Prop. 99 Actual 99 Prop. 00 Actual 00 Prop. 01 Actual 01 Prop. 02 Actual 02 Proposed 2003
Operating Fund Dividends 600 734.57 650 822.23 750 538.66 750 204.66 500
Dues 6000 2770 6000 3080 6000 7480 6000 4850 6000
Endowment Donations 300 330 300 88 300 173 300 120 300
Annual Meeting 2500 4000 4000 3475 4000 4000
Registration/Lunch 2585 2550 2500
Sponsors 2762.2 1850 0
Junior Academy 250 306 250 30 250 462 250 0 0
Subscriptions 450 677 450 760 700 995 700 2130 1500
Back Issues 500 212 500 807 600 1124 600 390 600
Page Charges 3500 1329 3500 1843 3500 1170 3500 1200 2500
Other 15 72.85 100
TOTAL Deposits 14100 11720.77 15650 11903.08 16100 15417.66 16100 11494.66 15400
Printing 5000 2019.25 5000 2069 4500 1638 4500 2742.55 4500
Typing 500 925 1000 593.75 1800 1662.5 1800 1500 1800
Postage 600 710.8 600 225.75 800 250.57 800 176.93 500
Harris Award 50 50 0 50 50 50
Other 25 50
Printing 400 824.21 1000 309.86 700 386.1 700 628.87 700
Postage 400 438.26 500 443.03 500 351.93 500 367.55 500
Scholarships 800 800 800 800 800 800 800 800 800
Committee Exp/Postage 50 41.18 50 0 50 50 38.91 50
Grants-in-Aid, High School
Grants 400 0 400 200 400 300 400 100 400
Printing 50 27.46 50 0 50 50 34.6 50
Postage 175 122.84 175 123.78 175 175 60 175
Grants-in-Aid, Graduate 1000 500 1000 1246.3 1000 750 1000 250 1100
Grants-in-Aid, Undergraduate 400
Annual Meeting:
Printing 1000 607.3 1000 642.29 1000 1120.55 1000 735.08 1000
Postage 0 0 69.87 100 68.2 100 0 100
Friday Reception 300 945.34 300 0 300 60 200 171.44 200
Luncheon 1000 2064.45 1000 2248.75 2000 1553.4 1500 1361.25 1500
Coffee Breaks 300 inc. above 300 546 450 506 1000 1161.5 1000
Prop. 99 Actual 99 Prop. 00 Actual 00 Prop. 01 Actual 01 Prop. 02 Actual 02 Proposed 2003
Outs. Svc. 50 50 50 50 50 50 50 50 50
Outs. Tchr 150 150 150 150 150 100 150 150 150
Plaques 100 77.04 100 77.04 100 57.78 100 77.83 100
Best Stu 150 200 200 150 200 150 200 150 200
Print/Mail 120 310.24 150 220.83 250 250 60.53 250
Plaques-Outgoing officers 100 43.13 100
Meeting Rooms 0 0 0 170 0 0 0 200
AV Equipment 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0
Supplies 75 0 75 0 75 75 75
Name Tags/Ribbons 50 19.25 50 0 50 27.93 75 49.74 75
Publicity 0 0 0 0
Junior Academy 900
Postage 103.71 120 0 120 120 ($50 not yet cashed) 0
Luncheon (included) (included) (included) (included) 500 390 500 0
Awards 350 339.2 350 350 350 354.59 350 0
Printing (never cashed) 0
Call 10 26.67 30 0 30 30 0
Proceedings 120 83.47 120 298.76 250 250 0
Travel 400 400 400 400 400 0
Other Mtgs. 0 0 0 0 0 0
AZ Corp Commission 10 10 10 10 10 10 10 10 10
NAAS Dues 75 74.05 75 74.05 75 42.25 75 32.05 50
Science Fairs 400 0 0 0 0 0 0 0
Supplies 250 132.53 250 80.98 250 15.14 250 38.88 250
Misc. Printing 25 9.48 25 0 25 42.1 25 6.2 25
Postage (Other than J and NL) 500 831.43 500 155.78 500 364.76 500 189.54 500
Bank charges (stop payment, returned check) 125 75.15 25 0 25 19.5 25 0 25
Audit 300 300 0
Purchase of Table Banner 450 445 0
TOTAL Expenses 14535 12993.31 15905 11705.82 18385 11371.3 18610 12381.58 16885
Deposits 14100 11720.77 15650 11903.08 16100 15417.66 16100 11494.66 15400
Expenses 14535 12993.31 15905 11705.82 18385 11371.3 18610 12381.58 16885
Difference ($435.00) ($1272.54) ($255.00) $197.26 ($2285.00) 4046.36 ($2510.00) ($886.92) ($1485)

Robert Reavis moved and Kathy Lauckner seconded that the Budget be accepted - approved by voice vote.


VOLUME 35 (1)
A special issue on Water Management in the Southwest will be printed this Spring as volume 35 (1) It is about half paid for by author page charges. Editor Tony Brazel showed a draft of the volume.
There was a long discussion on how to pay for the issue. Volume 34 (2) cost $1635 per issue for 200 issues - about $8.00/copy
Jim deVos moved & Owen seconded that ANAS charge $10.00 for the Watershed Management -- accepted by voice vote. Tony Brazel will print 300 copies, about 200 will go to members and the remaining 100 will be sold at $10.00 each, including postage.

Aregai suggested that we advertise the Journal through listserves, the web page and by any other means possible. There was a long discussion of advertisement. Tony will send the title page to board members as a file, to be put on web page, and printed and posted.

Volume 35 (2) also will be printed in 2003.
Currently the Editor has
Tony commented that the Reviewers had been good this year.
* It was suggested that the names of the reviewers should be listed in the back of the journal.
* It was suggested that typist Cindy Zizzner be given a certificate at the Annual Meeting.

There was a discussion of the 13 free subscriptions that are sent to libraries.
* It was suggested that Ingrid Novodvorsky send a list of the 13 libraries to the board members for our consideration before the next meeting.

The Editor's Report was accepted by voice vote.


Stephen Williams announced that the Feb and March issues would sent out by regular mail only to members who had requested it when they paid their dues, otherwise, newsletter issues will be sent out to the listserve

* check with Ingrid Novodvorsky for current list

Stephen announced that he had notified President Tecle that he would not serve as Editor next year. Kathy Lauckner volunteered to fill that post.

* Kathy noted that her correct email was lauckner@unlv.nevada.edu

Robert Reavis moved and Perry Baker seconded that the Newsletter Editor's report be accepted -- approved by voice vote.


Editor Florence Slater noted that she needed some nice ANAS letterhead.
* It was suggested that Ingrid Novodvorsky send template word-processor files to everyone for letterhead.

Florence reported that the Science Education session chair Stone has asked for money for postage for a mailing to high school teachers to participate.
Karen said no, no postage should be provided and suggested that Stone send emails instead. A long discussion ensued of how to contact and advertise the Science Education session and other sessions. It was concluded that for Science Education, the emphasis should be on Educations Departments at colleges and universities rather than high schools. Personal contact was advanced as a more effective means of recruiting participants than emails. Steve and Karen suggested that the session should be advertised in the AALE and AST newsletters.

The due date for abstracts to session chairs is February 14. The due date for the session schedules and abstracts from chairs to Florence is March 14.

Owen Davis moved and Robert Reavis seconded that the Proceedings Editor's report be accepted -- approved by voice vote.


Kathy Lauckner, Nevada. Kathy distributed copies of the last ANAS newsletter to particular UNLV Departments, and presented the Annual Meeting as a great venue for graduate students and junior faculty. She stressed the Hydrology session. She has talked with Dave Kramer about coming to the Flagstaff meeting. The development of Nevada State College in Henderson is effecting the funding and development of science research and instruction at the UNLV and UNR campuses.

Robert Reavis, Central Arizona. ASU west has had a complete turnover of its faculty and Robert is getting to know some of them. The Bridges program for minority participation in the Sciences is worthy of ANAS interest and support.

Owen Davis, Southern Arizona. AZ. Recently the U of A, ASU and NAU campus missions have diverged these changes will effect Science in Arizona. The faculty at the three different campuses are hearing different things about the future.
* A committee was formed to draft an overview of the potential effects on Arizona and Nevada Science by the new Arizona plans and development of Nevada State College. It consists of Aregai, Tony, Owen and Kathy.

Aregai Tecle, Northern Arizona.
Aregai is working to promote ANAS and to recruit new members.

No action was taken to accept the Director's reports.


The membership notice was sent out in November. As of January 1, 2003,
The current (January 1) membership is
As requested by Ingrid, It was moved and seconded that hereafter, renewal notices be mailed in August
with reminders by listserve every to weeks afterward. The motion passed by voice vote.


Permanent Secretary Report, January 11, 2002.
Jim deVos moved and Florence Slater seconded that the report be accepted -- motion approved by voice vote.


Ron Dorn had declined to handle the Grad Student scholarships. An ad hoc committee was formed to review the three applications, consisting of Tony, Owen and Aregai.

Schuster (scholarship)
no report

Perry (best teacher)
no report

Fellows Committee (Davis, and most recent Fellows)
* ask Ingrid for list of possible members and email list to Board members. Ingrid will try to come up with a Nevada recipient.

A long discussion ensued regarding the fate of the $1500 funds currently expended on the Junior Academy.
Karen suggested that these funds be divided to
(total cost $1200)

No action was taken to accept the Committee's reports.


Aregai Tecle presented the plans for April's meeting.

There was a long discussion about the "night before" talk. It was concluded that this was a bad idea. The board decided to have the ANAS Board meeting with pizza & beer at Florince Slater 's house 6:00-8:00 on the evening before the meeting.

*A long discussion followed on how to advertise the meeting - the details are left up to Aregai and his committee of Stephen Schuster. He will solicit student helpers and give them free registration to the meeting. He will delegate responsibility for projections etc. of the rooms to them.

*Aregai will send a list of "conference hotels" to Stephen Williams by next weekend.

Aregai will choose a lunch for a total of $1500, and coffee breaks for a total of $1000.

Schedule of activities for the ANAS April 2003 meeting

Preparation items done (or almost accomplished) to date
Decisions at the January 11 meeting:
Things to do immediately (by end of January):
Northern Arizona University
Some colleges (College of Ecosystem Science and Management, Arts and Sciences, and others)
The USGS, the Forest Service
SAHRA at the UofA, Game and Fish

Things to do by February /March:


A candidate for President is under consideration by Jim deVos.

Kathy was appointed newsletter Editor following Stephen Williams retirement. This appointment was confirmed in a motion offered by Aregai and seconded by Jim deVos - it passed by voice vote.

No other action taken.


Owen presented a list of five amendments to the by-laws that had been discussed at previous meetings, but had not been published in the newsletter in time to be voted on at the annual meeting. A long discussion followed in which two additional amendments were added - as follows.

The Board of Governors has considered several amendments to the ANAS By-Laws to make routine meetings of the Board of Governors more effective, and to reduce costs.

PROCEDURE (article 15:10, ANAS By-Laws)

15.10 These By-laws may be amended by a three-fourths vote of the membership present and voting at an annual business meeting, provided that notice of the proposed change has been sent to all members at least one month before such meeting.)


THE ISSUE: It is difficult to find a volunteer to serve as director of the junior academy, and the Junior Academy has represented only a few Arizona and Nevada high school students. There are more effective ways to support science education in Arizona and Nevada than to support the Junior Academy.

PROPOSAL: Remove formal reference to the Junior Arizona-Nevada Academy of Science from the ANAS By-Laws

PERTINENT BY-LAWS (a yes vote shall remove the bracketed words from the by-laws)

5.30 -- An Editor of the Journal, [Director of the Junior Academy,] Historian, Editor of the Newsletter and an Editor of the Proceedings shall be appointed by the Board of Governors and shall hold office for three years, or until replaced by their successors
5.31 -- The Editor, [Director of the Junior Academy,] Historian, Editor of the Newsletter and an Editor of the Proceedings will be nonvoting members of the Board of Governors.
[6.81 -- The Director of the Junior Academy shall manage the affairs of the Junior Academy for the Board of Governors arranging the programs, and maintaining the records pertaining to the Junior Academy.]
[14.30 -- The Junior Academy of Science shall function as a section of the Academy under its own By-laws within the framework of the Constitution and By-laws of the Academy. The activities of the Junior Academy shall be supervised by the Director of the Junior Academy.]


THE ISSUE: The current structure of the ANAS Board of Governors makes achieving a quorum difficult during routine Board. The Regional Directors (voting members) usually do not attend, and the appointed officers are usually present. However the appointed officers (The Editor of The Journal, The Editor of the Newsletter, The Editor of the Proceedings, and the Permanent Secretary) do not have voting privileges. In addition to reducing the number of Regional Directors (see item 3 below), we propose to give voting privileges to the appointed officers in order to conduct the routine business of the Academy.

PROPOSAL: amend the By-Laws to give voting privileges to the appointed officers.

PERTINENT BY-LAWS (a yes vote shall remove the bracketed words from, and add the underlined words to the by-laws)

5.10 -- The officers of the Academy who also constitute the Board of Governors, shall be the President, President-elect, Past President, Corresponding Secretary, Membership Secretary, Treasurer, [eight] four Regional Directors, The Editor of The Journal, The Editor of the Newsletter, The Editor of the Proceedings, and the Permanent Secretary.
(note that Article 5.10 is further amended, below under item 3, to include four rather than eight Regional Directors.)
[5.31 -- The Editor, Director of the Junior Academy, Historian, Editor of the Newsletter and an Editor of the Proceedings will be nonvoting members of the Board of Governors.]


THE ISSUE: Few of the regional directors attend the board meetings, so that the board meetings often do not have a quorum. Only a few directors routinely submit reports. Finding volunteers to fill the position of regional director is difficult.

PROPOSAL: Reduce the number of Regional Directors to one per region.

PERTINENT BY-LAWS (a yes vote shall remove the bracketed words from, and add the underlined words to the by-laws)

5.10 -- The officers of the Academy who also constitute the Board of Governors, shall be the President, President-elect, Past President, Corresponding Secretary, Membership Secretary, Treasurer, [eight] four Regional Directors, The Editor of The Journal, The Editor of the Newsletter, The Editor of the Proceedings, and the Permanent Secretary.
(Note that article 5.10 is further amended above under item 2, above.)
5.11 - [Two directors] One director shall be chosen from each of the four geographical regions of Southern Arizona, Central Arizona, Northern Arizona and Nevada.
5.20 - [The President-elect, Corresponding Secretary, Treasurer, Membership Secretary and four Directors shall be elected by ballot at each Annual Meeting and, except for the Directors, shall hold office for one year, or until their successors are elected. The Directors shall hold office for two years, or until a successor is elected.]
5.20 - The President-elect, Corresponding Secretary, Treasurer, Membership Secretary shall hold office for one year and the four Directors shall hold office for two years. They shall be elected by ballot at the Annual Meetings and serve until a successor is elected.


THE ISSUE: Frequently, one person will occupy two positions in the Academy, for example Recording Secretary and Proceedings Editor. This amendment specifies that in situations where each position may have a vote, that the person occupying the two positions has only one vote in Board Meetings.

PROPOSAL: specify one vote per person on the board.

PERTINENT BY-LAWS (a yes vote shall add the underlined words to the by-laws)

8.40 -- A majority of the Board of Governors shall constitute a quorum, but any officer holding more than one office shall have only one vote.


THE ISSUE: The By-Laws do not currently include certain membership categories for which the Academy collects dues.

PROPOSAL: amend the by-laws to include these two membership classes. Renumbering the by-laws is needed to create room for the two categories.

PERTINENT BY-LAWS (a yes vote shall remove the bracketed words from, and add the underlined words to the by-laws)

3.11 -- The amount of the annual dues for [a regular member] all membership categories shall be established by the Board of Governors.
[3.80] 3.12 -- The Board of Governors shall have the right to expel or suspend a member after a hearing at which that member shall have the right to be present in person. The member in question shall be notified by registered mail in two months prior to the hearing.
[3.81] 3.13 -- A majority vote of all members of the Board of Governors shall be necessary to expel or suspend a member, and an appeal from the decision may be made to the members of the Academy at the following Annual Business Meeting.
[3.82] 3.14 -- A majority vote of the members present at an appeals meeting shall be required to reverse the decision of the Board of Governors.
3.80 Family Members -- Two persons living at the same address may receive ANAS mailings (one copy) such as the Newsletter and Journal, and each may have voting and other privileges of membership.
3.90 Student Members -- Students 18 years of age or older who are regularly enrolled at a college or university may have voting and other privileges of membership.


THE ISSUE: Several of the standing committees do not meet. Their function is assumed by appropriate officers.

PROPOSAL: amend the by-laws to eliminate non-functioning committees. Renumber the committees appropriately.

PERTINENT BY-LAWS (a yes vote shall remove the bracketed words from, and add the underlined words to the by-laws)

1. Fellows Committee
[2. Budget Committee]
[3. Membership Committee]
[4. Necrology Committee]

[5] 2 . Nominating Committee
[6] 3 . Program Committee
[7. Publicity Committee]
[8] 4
. Grants-in-Aid Committee
[9. Resolutions Committee]
[10] 5
. Scholarship Committee
[11. Science Education Committee]
[12. R.M. Harris Awards Committee]
[13] 6
. Outstanding Science Teacher Committee
[14. Best Student Paper Award Committee]
[15. Committee on Controversial Issues]

[16] 7 . Goethe Educational Endowment Fund Committee
8. Outstanding Service Award (see "7" below)


THE ISSUE: the by-laws do not include one of ANAS's awards, which involves the expenditure of ANAS funds. An ad-hoc committee annually awards an "Outstanding Service Award" at the annual meeting. This includes a modest expenditure of ANAS funds.

PROPOSAL: amend the by-laws to recognize this valuable contribution.

PERTINENT BY-LAWS (a yes vote add the underlined words to the by-laws, the number of the committee will depend on passage of item 6, above)

12.11 -- These standing committees are as follows;
PERTINENT BY-LAWS (a yes vote will add the following highlighted line to Article 12.11 of the By-Laws)

8. Outstanding Service Award

* make changes and send to Steve and to board

Each of the proposed amendments were passed by voice vote.


Aregai con:
mentioned value of face-to-face
should we try it?
in favor of some electronic exchange of information

Jim pro:
three meetings a bit much - electronic meetings would be a time saving, would encourage participation, and would reduce the length of the meeting
in favor of experimenting with one meeting a year
perhaps next Fall

Suggest a virtual board meeting this Summer
first 6 weeks of summer

Perm Secy's Report on Instant Messaging Software

Comparison and Download Page




http://downloads-zdnet.com.com/3000-2150-10029188.html?legacy=zddl * Owen will 1 on 1 before meeting

Owen moved to attempt a trial meeting this summer Robert Reavis seconded the motion -- passed by voice vote.


Owen will consider a Tucson meeting
* he will check on a date and contact the board.

Meeting adjourned at 2:00
Perry moved and Jim seconded the motion to adjourn -- passed by voice vote.

Respectfully submitted,
Owen Davis for Betsy Cooper
January 14, 2003