Minutes of the Board
Arizona-Nevada Academy of Sciences
July 2, 2003

The first electronic meeting of the Board was called to order by William Perry Baker, President. Present were William Perry Baker, Owen Davis, Karen Conzelman, Robert Reavis, Kathy Lauckner and Tony Brazel.

Owen moved that the minutes from the last meeting be approved. Robert seconded the motion. The motion passed.

Perry expressed thanks to Owen for setting up this electronic meeting. He announced that Midwestern University would be happy to host the 2004 Annual Meeting. Karen moved that Midwestern be accepted as the site of the 2004 Annual Meeting; Owen seconded the motion. The motion passed.

Discussion turned to committees and committee chairs. There are now three grants-in-aid committees: high School, graduate and undergraduate. It was proposed that one person chair both the graduate and undergraduate grants in aids committee this year. Aregai will be asked to chair the graduate and undergraduate grants-in-aid committees. If there are many applications this year it may be desirable to have separate chairs for the two committees in future years. Perry said he would talk with Paul Smolneyak to confirm his willingness to chair the high school grants-in-aid committee. Karen moved that the amended President's Committees Report be accepted; Owen seconded the motion. The motion passed.

Karen Moved that Aregai's report on the annual meeting be accepted. Robert seconded the motion. The motion passed.

Karen, as Treasurer, asked about upcoming expenses. Tony Brazel announced that the floral issue of the Journal is out. There are two additional journal issues nearly done: one will be ready late summer-early fall [ vol. 35(2) ]; the next probably January [vol. 36(1) ]. It will still take time to get the journals caught up. Tony agreed to put the schedule on the Internet with Owen's assistance. Owen moved that Tony's schedule of journal publications be accepted. Robert seconded the motion and the motion passed. Tony mentioned that the floral issue might not be paid for by ASU in the future. Karen noted that she was anticipating that the Board would need to budget for complete production costs of three floral issues per year.

Perry moved that the Treasurer's report be accepted; Kathy seconded the motion. The motion was passed.

Owen stated that he would like to have someone else act as Director from Southern Arizona. Karen suggested that the addition of someone 'non-academic' would be nice. Tony indicated that he would be willing to try to locate someone to be Director. Owen offered to work with Tony and to provide Tony with a list of members located in Southern Arizona.

It was also decided that it would be good to find a new Director from Nevada also to relieve Kathy who is also Newsletter Editor. Owen proposed to send lists of Southern Arizona members and Nevada members to the regional directors and Aregai (past president) to look for new Directors. Kathy asked for an updated list of UNLV members. Kathy agreed to continue to serve as Director until a replacement could be found. Robert move that Aregai's report on the slate of Officers be accepted. Owen seconded and the motion passed.

The next topic was requirements for Undergraduate Grants-in-aid. Owen suggested that the deadline for applications might be the same as for the Graduate Grants-in-aid, but not membership requirements. After some discussion, Perry moved that either the advisor (faculty sponsor) or the student be a member of the Academy. Kathy seconded the motion and the motion passed.

Karen moved that the membership secretary's report be accepted. Robert seconded the motion. The motion passed.

Members of the Board commended Kathy on the Newsletter. Owen moved that the Newsletter Editor's report be accepted. Robert seconded the motion and the motion passed.

Karen moved to approve Owen's Report. Robert seconded the motion and the motion passed.

The question was raised about a fall meeting. Owen suggested that a fall meeting was not needed. Anything that comes up can be handled electronically.

The next meeting will be held at Midwestern University on January 17th.

Owen moved that the meeting adjourn. Karen seconded the motion. Everyone logged off.

Respectfully submitted,

Betsy Cooper
Recording Secretary

red font indicates action items
(unedited minutes)
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